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Welcome To The Invictus Kettlebell Club!

Here's what you can expect inside The Club.


Which Size Kettlebell Is Right For You?

Download our guide to picking the right sized kettlebell to train with.  Based on our experience and world renowned experts, learn which bell is best for you to complete The Invictus Kettlebell Club workouts with!

Download Kettlebell Guide

What Are The Invictus Core Movements?

Download this guide to understanding the core movements of The Invictus Kettlebell Club.  These workouts are designed around these core movements with a bell you are capable of completing them with.  

Download Workout Guide

Kettlebell Invictus Prescribed Bell Weights




Male: 44lb, Female: 18lb

Snatches: 20 Each Hand Unbroken

Goblet Squats: 20 Unbroken (2 hands on 1 bell)

Thrusters: 10 Unbroken Each Side (No Rest In Between)

Clean & Jerk: 20 Unbroken Each Side

Static Press: 16 Unbroken Each Side




Male: 53lb, Female: 26lb

Snatches: 20 Each Hand Unbroken

Goblet Squats: 20 Unbroken (2 hands on 1 bell)

Thrusters: 10 Unbroken Each Side (No Rest In Between)

Clean & Jerk: 20 Unbroken Each Side

Static Press: 16 Unbroken Each Side




Male: 62lb, Female: 35lb

Snatches: 20 Each Hand Unbroken

Goblet Squats: 20 Unbroken (2 hands on 1 bell)

Thrusters: 10 Unbroken Each Side (No Rest In Between)

Clean & Jerk: 20 Unbroken Each Side

Static Press: 16 Unbroken Each Side



Male: 70lb, Female: 44lb

Snatches: 20 Each Hand Unbroken

Goblet Squats: 20 Unbroken (2 hands on 1 bell)

Thrusters: 10 Unbroken Each Side (No Rest In Between)

Clean & Jerk: 20 Unbroken Each Side

Static Press: 16 Unbroken Each Side


Download The App!

The Invictus Kettlebell Club is available as an app on your phone.  Get a killer workout wherever you are!